Embracing The Season
20th October | Sunday workshop
Available spots
Service Description
This afternoon is all about embracing the season of where you are in your life. We are all so uniquely and beautifully different, yet still come across the same pressures and hurdles that life throws at us. By embracing the season of letting go and the energy shift that starts to take place. We allow ourselves to be more appreciating and accepting with where we are whilst allowing us to move gently & kindly into the next phase, with supported and renewed energy. The afternoon itself will involve, movement, sound, yin yoga (and a few other treats!). Allowing yourself time for some inner reflection and connectedness to yourself and those around you. Leaving you in an uplifted, open-heart space. We will close the afternoon, with Tea. (We both love Tea!)
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Unfortunatly there is a no refund / cancellation policy to this event. All payments must be made upfront and online. If you wish to discuss this in more details - please contact us via email: torkingyoga@gmail.com
Contact Details
Chesterton Community Centre, Geminus Road, Bicester, UK