Thai Foot Massage is a beautifully relaxing massage which involves the feet & lower legs (up to the knee), however you can expect to feel a full body glow from the treatment.
It works on similar principals as Reflexology. The feet hold thousands of nerve endings which link to all different areas within the body by manipulating the muscles and pressure points in the feet it will increase blood flow and energy movement through the body.
There are many benefits of having Thai Foot Massage such as:
Reducing physical and mental stress
Improves blood circulation
Increases and regulates detoxification & digestion
Strengthens and boosts the immune system
Stimulates lymphatic drainage
Can help reduce insomnia
The session it’s self will take 1hr and will take place whilst you are laying down on a massage couch. As the treatment works up and over the knee, please ensure that you are dressed appropriately by wearing either baggy trousers that can be pulled comfortably over the knee or shorts. For your comfort and privacy you will be covered with a blanket / towel for the session as well.
Treatment Price
1hr - £38